What is the eligibility?
Customers will be allowed to open any number of this scheme in his/her own name or jointly:
Minimum Age: 18
Citizen of Bangladesh.
Customers will be allowed to open any number of this scheme in his/her own name or jointly:
Minimum Age: 18
Citizen of Bangladesh.
Customers are eligible for receiving BDT One Million (interest plus principal) on maturity of the Deposit.
The tenor of this scheme is 3/4/5/6/7 years.
Please see below the chart.
Customer can open this scheme with or without Initial deposit.
Cheque or BEFTN, whichever customer wants to avail. The Cheque will be issued in favor of the customer.
You can pay monthly installment either through BEFTN or Standing Instruction (SI) from your Bank Account.
The LAD (Loan Against Deposit) facility may be allowed up to 90% of the deposited amount subject to a minimum number of 6 installments being realized.
Installment must be deposited within the 1st to 25th day of the each month (as selected by the depositor)